Saturday, October 16, 2010

The end to a week of stress

Today the week closes on a happy note! We delivered flowers for Tyler & Sarah's wedding this morning and then I returned at 2:30 for the wedding. Sarah's family lives in the most beautiful place- an authentic log home in a picturesque setting out in the country. Ironically, as soon as the wedding started, a small plane began flying over head. It would have been fine if it had just flown on by, but, instead, it circled overhead repeatedly! Then, to top it off, an ambulance siren started and lasted long enough, as it made its way to the mountain, to drown out Seth as he read from the bible. Both of these annoying sounds were going on at the same time! What's the chances of that happening during a beautiful wedding taking place in a quiet(?) little country setting????

The setting was just perfect in all its fall splendor, with fodder shocks, pumpkins, gourds, mums colorful leaves, bales of straw, and quilts everywhere. The ceremony took place in the front yard in the sunshine and the reception was in the back under the shade of the trees on the creek bank. The temperature in the back yard felt 20 degrees cooler. There was a kettle sitting over an open fire in a pit on the creek bank that lent a country aroma to the air.

The wedding event gave me a warm, fuzzy, cozy feeling. It made me wish I could provide such a homey atmsophere at my house and I wish my daughters' weddings could be that special. I think I am more of a log home person than a 1914 built house kind of person. I love the country and primitives and gourds and pumpkins! I want to live at the Farris's house!!!!! I wonder if they would take me in......?????

Maybe they'll read this blog and invite me back....

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