Saturday, October 2, 2010

Scarecrows and nice people

My feet & legs are really tired & sore, but I'm happy because our day today was a success! We got fifteen entries in the scarecrow contest. I am very pleased to have that number. I hope next year we have twice as many! Everybody had so much fun planning and building their scarecrows. And they were proud of themselves when they finished and they stood back and looked at what they created.
So many people made the festival a success. Estine and Joan on the Ravenna City Council, and Kim, the City Clerk, Joe of many hats, Penny, and Sandy & John.
My staff was great, all getting on board with my crazy ideas. Melanie is my rock, Meranda my partner in my adventures. I couldn't make it without them! And of course, Myra is always there for support and fantastic food! The 3 M's!
Next year we better get 100 pie size pumpkins! The kids were adorable painting their pumpkins.
It feels great to have done something to showcase our little village of Ravenna. It's a great place to live and to work. I'm proud of Ravenna.

1 comment:

  1. I am thrilled with the scarecrow contest. I am very glad I wasn't a judge! And the pumpkin decorating was a fabulous idea. I had kids I didn't know showing off their pumpkins to me! Great ideas Francie!
