Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Years Resolutions

I'm like everyone else- I'm going to lose weight in 2011. I really did join the gym yesterday. My husband has lost over 45 lbs this year, so, he's making me look bad!
Next resolution: Take care of myself. I will attend to the pain in my foot and the pain in my knee. One doctor appointment has been made. And I will take time off from work when I can until we get ramped up again for the 2011 floral holidays.

On the business side of New Years Resolutions-

I vow to cut back on expenses.
I will formulate a plan to get a new roof on the building or I will find a buyer for the property so I can move to a location with a good roof, more display space, and plenty of electrical outlets.
I will work my butt off to make my customers happy!!
I will search for the best, most up to date inventory of gifts and floral supplies.
I resolve to hire Meranda more help in the greenhouse and Melanie more help with customers.
I resolve to be successful in 2011! ( That will cover a lot of loose ends I can't think of right now)

Happy New Year, Everybody!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Fruits of the season

We shipped another 12 fruit & snack baskets to Jackson this a.m. Later in the morning I made the trip to Beattyville & Booneville to deliver baskets. Today was the first time I have ever been to Booneville, KY! It's about the size of Ravenna with a little extra added on each end. It was really a beautiful drive from Ravenna to Beattyville because everything was covered in snow & ice (except the highway). On the tops of the mountain ridges, the ground was covered in snow, the trees were covered in ice, and they were all the same color as the sky.
I passed by Booneville Florist on my way. It is situated in front of a really nice new funeral home, in a nice little building of it's own, next to a cemetary. It is one stop shopping for the bereaved. It is a monopoly on the funeral business- Get your funeral, your flowers, your stone, and your spot in the ground all in one convenient stop! How could anyone compete with that??
I must express a huge thank you to Monty Gabbard, who puts our fruit & snack baskets together! He's the best!!
Time to walk my best friend, Bruce! I hope I don't fall on the ice! Til tomorrow, my friends!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's been a while

I have failed miserably at keeping up with this blog!
So it is Christmas time- only 9 days left! Today, Dec.16, is my inlaws' 60th anniversary. Wow!

In the last 2 days we have made 45 fruit & snack baskets- 24 for a bank and 21 for a doctor. I will dream about pineapples, oranges, apples, and summer sausage tonight! Delivering all these baskets has been somewhat of a challenge with the bad weather we have had this week.
Today has been mostly a mess with all the slushy icy gunk all over the place. We have hardly seen a customer all day, but we have been busy!!
This morning, Erin , Marty, & I loaded up 14 fruit baskets at 7:00 am. They went to Jackson for clients of Citizens Bank & Trust. Merry Christmas!!
Erin & Marty drove from Irvine to Jackson to work this a.m. while a large portion of the employees who live in Jackson didn't come to work.
So, we are ready for the bad weather to go away & let's get back to a normal Christmas season!!!